Victoria Crispo

Sep 8, 20141 min

Celebratory Birthday Dinner

This past weekend was my mother’s birthday, so we (the boyfriend S and I) set out to create an enticing and elegant yet quaint dinner party at home. On the menu was the following:

❤ watermelon sauteed in coconut oil (inspired by an aphrodisiac cooking class we took with Chef Fed), finished with a dusting of cinnamon and drizzled with an exquisite star anise-infused maple glaze, painstakingly created by S.

The aroma of the maple syrup and star anise made the whole house smell like an Italian bakery. It really aroused my sense of smell and indulged me in feelings of warm bliss. Heavenly!

The sauteed watermelon was accompanied by a cucumber salad with fresh mint and tarragon. To appeal to the sense of sight, I plated it so:

❤ Fresh tomato salad with local Jersey tomatoes and fresh basil, accompanied by buratta.

❤ Chicken francese with a side of fresh pappardelle and broccoli rabe

❤ Black forest brownies topped with homemade fresh whipped cream. {Sorry, no photo of the brownies but you can view the recipe I used}.

The meal was a delight to prepare, engaging the senses beautifully, and was well-received by our guests. We look forward to doing it again!

#cook #fivesenses #maplesyrup #dessert #specialmeal #delight #cooking #sensoryexperience #ChefFed
